i love a good bad book. i live for young adult silliness. but a good good book is even better. this week i read the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society. as per my usual perference, i didn't read the dust jacket synopsis and dove in completely unawares of the premise. i enjoy being thoroughly surprised by a book. nothing is worse than reading a book review and finding out that desdemona courierfont's love interest, brock dangerfield, leaves her for broke halfway through the book. you know too much and you haven't even started reading!
anywhoo, this book was excellent. i laughed. i cried. i felt thankful for those who went before us and sacrificed so much. i considered whipping up my own tonics in the kitchen. i highly recommend this book.
as a result i was quite inspired fashion-wise this week. i wanted to go for something like this:
photo via operagloves
but that may require more time to acquire the appropriate hat and gloves.
so i went a little more for this look:

photo via swing fashionista
my interpretation:
too hot sweater worn as blouse in july- target
skirt- thrifted
shoes- target
some choice guernsey literary and potato peel pie society quotes:
"We clung to books and to our friends; they reminded us that we had another part to us."
"We could have gone on longing for one another and pretending not to notice forever. This obsession with dignity can ruin your life if you let it."
"The first rule of snooping is to come at it sideways."
"...but I much prefer whining to counting my blessings."-this could be a personal motto
I worked at a small bookstore when this book came out. After I read it, I recommended it to everyone who walked in the door! I love it!
Your new house in the background looks like my dream house. Canyou send me pics? Beautiful!!
Beautiful skirt! I'm on the lookout for one just like it.
I loved Guerney Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society...it's one that I wouldn't mind reading again one of these days. Just a real solid book. Loved how it was written in letter form, too.
Yay for new house!! Where is it?
The first time I went to book club, this was the book. I really didn't want to read it, but did anyways. And I ended up really liking it too. That is why I love book club. It gets me to read books I wouldn't normally pick up! :)
I love it! Great interpretation. Sarcastic thanks for adding YET another must read to my book list. Nice. ;)
I can't WAIT to see your new house!
OK. I officially just checked this book out from the library. I will report.
That last quote could very well be my personal motto as well LOL sounds like a good book.
I really liked the book as well. You look beautiful as always. And new house?! YAY! I want to see pics!
I am the only person who didn't love this book the first time. I will read it again. Congratulations on a new house - hooray!
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