heidi's peanut buttah cookie dough yummy in my tummy cookie recipe:
1 cup melted REAL buttah-don't cheat your taste buds with margarine or vegetable spread
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
add 2 tsps vanilla and 2 eggs
continue to mix
add 2-3 large spoonfulls of peanut buttah, to your taste, continue to blend
add 1 tsp baking soda and 2 cups flour.
finally, add 1 bag MILK chocolate chips. mix until thoroughly mixed.
spoon onto greased cookie sheets. you can make them large or small. bake at 350 degrees for 8-9 minutes. larger cookies should be baked for 9. remove from oven and allow to bake themselves for another minute on cookie sheet. remove from cookie sheet onto wire rack. ENJOY! try not to eat all of them at one. should be a bit gooey after baking, hence the name peanut buttah COOKIE DOUGH yummy in my tummy cookies.
we have had a special request for a pic of my new hair. well, i wish i had a pic of "new" hair, but this is what i have now. pretty much a trim of my old hair cut. the color is only a smidge lighter. but, good news is that it is about a gabillion times healthier. i guess next time i will need to be more specific about a more drastic change. the bangs are weaker than i wanted and i need to get hair extensions to be more hilary-esque. but i tried.

yes i am wearing an apron. don't hate, appreciate.

*greetings to new reader valoree. you now have found out about my secret life! you are such a nice, sweet person that i hope my rude comments don't offend you!
Dang sexy mama! Hilary or not, you still look G double O D!
You obviously don't know me very well if you think I'm sweet and nice! :) Thanks for the shout out...I love your blog. And, I'm going to have to try the cookies. We love some gooey peanut butter cookies at my house!
you may not be happy with your hair, but I really like it. I thinks it looks great. I also printed out the recipe and going to try these famous cookies of yours.
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