some of my favorite dreams are about clothes. or flying and then diving in water and then pushing off the ocean floor and flying again. or a shopping spree. or a shopping spree where i am flying. i haven't been shopping at all lately though. i was at homegoods/marshall's looking for baby stuff today and i picked up several items for myself and then i realized, i'm pregnant! like somehow i'd forgotten over the last 31 weeks and all this heartburn and swelling is just for fun. wah wah. even if i am eventually the same size, it doesn't mean everything will be in the same place. it happens with each baby. clothes i once loved may not necessarily flatter postpartum. now this paragraph has transitioned from dreams to nightmares. *note to my sister who is due 3 weeks before me with her 1st baby- EVERYTHING WILL BE IN A DIFFERENT PLACE. you need to know this.*
recent mom style:
denim jacket- gap
cardigan- garnet hill
t shirt- target
pants- old navy
sandals- bakers
i do not like the boots with this outfit. no gracias. they look tight on my calves.
tank- tjmaxx
vest- marshalls
button up- JCP
skirt- destination maternity(it WAS painful. thanks for asking.)
boots- gianni bini
cardigan- kohls
blouse- thrifted
jeans-old navy
shoes- target
vest- target
dress- consignment
boots- old navy
band aid- hello kitty
there is no injury underneath that hello kitty band aid. this was purely fashion statement. this outfit received zero fashion direction from me.
i dreamed of a green pencil skirt a few nights ago. it was wonderful until i woke up and didn't own it.
but here's some stuff i am lusting for in the worst way possible.
my fave. i want curtains and a couch and a rug and a house and a car in this print:
and i am already planning my baby blessing outfit. i want to pair this skirt with a simple white popped collar oxford shirt a la carolina hererra with turquoise jewelry and turquoise shoes.

does anyone have any input on the sizing of this skirt? i want this color in size medium since it''s supposed to be stretchy but that's not an option. either large or small. small post baby sounds pretty much terrible and soull crushing but i don't want the skirt to sit on my hips and i worry that will happen with the large. hmmm. quelle dilemma!
the end.
I have no advice on the skirt except to definitely wear the outfit as planned! It sounds ah-mah-zink!
I have shopping dreams all. the. time. I have had more than one dream of shopping in a Jcrew overstock store buying up all my favorites of past seasons for a song. And then I wake up and am SO bummed to realize it was just a dream.
What does that say about me as a person?
I have always loved pencil skirts! And love all the jcrew look books looks. The color pallette is dreamy. I think I'm a little to wide in the hip section for them to look good, major bummer.
Oh my goodness! I'm so happy I found your darling blog! Totally by chance too! I was just clicking "ext blog" which I NEVER do! You are so cute! I'm LDS too;)
My name is Laura;) From Ca.
Anyhow, just wanted to stop by & say "hi"
LOVE that first look and OMYHELLSBELLS Scarlet looks frigging ADORABLE. That dress just killed me dead. Perhaps when your Scarlet grows out of it you can pass it on over to my Scarlett.
i love that skirt! you should just get it in all sizes because as rachel zoe always says, you need OPTIONS! hahaha. i think you look fantastic. i can't believe you're already 31 weeks. that is crazy! i hope the next 9 fly like you in your dreams so that the heartburn and backaches will come to an end. :)
I checked out that last skirt, and it is only $15! I would buy both the small and the large. That way you will for sure have one that fits. You can return the other or give it away as a gift or save it for when you size changes.
thanks for the heads up becca! i actually ordered it this morning for $40 because i thought that was a pretty good deal. i just called downeast basics and they are going to credit my account and only charge me $15 for it. and my size will never change. EVER! hahahahaha!
I stumbled upon your blog and I really it. Especially the last skirt, although I don't know what size to get. I just started my first fashion link party, called Watch What I'm Wearing, and I would be honored if would add a link at Who knows maybe you will get some new visitors from it as well.
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