a-how do you feel about the pairing of black and brown. honestly, i am usually anti, but recently i noticed a trend in deep brown boots tucked into jeans with black tees, sweaters and/or jackets. and i sort of like it if it is a casual, woman about town outfit. opinions?
b-skinny jeans? are they truly heinous or truly outrageous? in the aforementioned question i mentioned tucking jeans into boots. that pretty much requires a skinny jean. i think it is quite chic. however, how do y'all feel about skinny jeans and flats? or skinny jeans and heels?
c-for the moms out there, how do you guys deal with clogged ducts while breastfeeding? when i was pumping for reagan i had them all the time and that was one of the main reasons i stopped pumping and put reagan on formula at 4 months. with scarlett i have only had a few clogged ducts, but this one is the clogged duct from hell. i am deathly afraid of getting mastitis and being good for nothing and hating life and everyone that crosses my path. ideas? input?
finally, always good for a laugh-
this chick obviously doesn't remember the 80s the first time around. yuck yuck yuck.